The Author

Lindsay Liedke

Lindsay is a freelance writer who loves all things WordPress. When she is not writing she can be found spending family time with her son and two silly nephews.

Articles written by Lindsay Liedke

How to Create a Drudge Report Clone Using WP-Drudge

Here at WP Mayor we have expressed the importance of content aggregation and curation for establishing your website as a go-to resource for breaking news in your niche. In fact, we have even shared with you some of the best aggregator themes for WordPress so you can set your website up to become one of the best news sites around.

However today we are going to get into specifics. Today we are going to show you how to set up a Drudge Report clone on your WordPress website using the premium WP-Drudge WordPress theme.


8 WordPress Social Networking Themes for Building a Community Website

Social media is critical for any business owner that has a WordPress website. Especially when aiming to build a bigger following, boost online sales, and establish yourself as an authority. However, the problem is many website owners fail to utilize social media to its fullest.

To capitalize on the power of social media networks, you should aim to integrate social media into all aspects of your website. However, that’s not enough. The combination of web design, content, and social media interactions should go together seamlessly.

Today we are going to share with you a handful of some of the best WordPress social networking themes on the market today. This way you can open up your own form of social networking right on your own website.


WooCommerce Subscriptions: An Insider’s Look At eCommerce Subscription Plans

Nowadays, consumer-buying habits are trending towards hassle free shopping experiences. This means less brick-and-mortar store shopping, and much more online shopping.

In response, many website owners are opening up eCommerce shops to sell products to their followers, are marketing to new customers across the internet, and are trying to build international brands for the ultimate success story. More so, website owners are looking to break into the world of online commerce subscription plans to boost revenue and create a consistent flow of income.

Social Automation

7 Time Saving WordPress Social Automation Plugins for Sharing Your Content

As a website owner, you and I both know that maintaining a strong social media presence is essential to success. In fact, utilizing the power of social media is one of the best ways to get your content noticed and shared across multiple platforms. Not only does this increase your brand’s exposure, it helps you build a bigger email list, and converts more site visitors into loyal customers.

And, thanks to the boom in development of WordPress social automation plugins, there is a whole host of solutions available for those who want to promote their content better on social media. In fact, these plugins are so convenient, they actually automate the process for you.

Here are 8 of the best WordPress plugins available today that are designed for social media automation. This way all of your valuable content is shared automatically to social media platforms that your target audience visits regularly.

Easy Digital Downloads WordPress Plugin

Selling Digital Products with Easy Digital Downloads

Selling both physical and digital products online via an eCommerce platform on WordPress is relatively easy. In fact, we have shared with you in the past how to go about setting up shop using the popular WooCommerce plugin, how to boost the functionality of your shop with this exhaustive list of free WooCommerce plugins, and have even shown you how to make your shop multilingual to reach a wider audience.

But what if you only want to sell digital items in your eCommerce shop?

Well, today I am going to show you how to do just that using the Easy Digital Downloads plugin.

WooCommerce - eCommerce Shop Solution

eCommerce Shop Building: WooCommmerce vs Shopify vs Wix

In recent years eCommerce stores have become very popular making the Internet a crowded – and competitive – marketplace.

Because of this, it is no wonder eCommerce store solutions designed to help your build the perfect online shop are popping up all over the place.

Well luckily for you, today we will be taking a look at three of the most popular and best eCommerce store solutions available for WordPress today to help you make an informed decision. We will compare the eCommerce platforms WooCommerce, Shopify, and Wix so that when it comes time for you to build your online shop you don’t struggle so much with the first step.

Multilingual Plugin Options

Expand Your Website’s Global Reach with a Multilingual Plugin

Creating killer content, optimizing your website, becoming mobile-friendly, and marketing the right audience is not always enough. You might be missing out on a lot of visitors by not making your website multilingual.  Luckily, there are plenty of great (and affordable) WordPress plugins on the market that can help you make your site multilingual.

That being said, let’s take a look at a wide variety of WordPress plugins that can help you manage your translated content.

Weglot - New Way to Translate

Weglot Review: Translate Your WordPress Website in the Fast Lane

Translating your WordPress website into multiple languages can be difficult. Many plugin solutions are complex and hard to configure. In fact, many require manual translations which can prove costly unless you are fluent in many languages. And if you are, this task of manually translating content can become time-consuming and frustrating.

Nonetheless, today I am going to share with a freemium WordPress plugin that is almost perfect when it comes to ease of use and translation accuracy.

Enter Weglot Translate.

Hide My WP - Hiding WordPress Plugin

Hiding WordPress to Avoid Attack: An Extra Layer of Site Security with Hide My WP

With large scale cyber attacks happening more often than anyone would like to admit, you might think to yourself that the chances your small WordPress website will be hacked are slim to none. After all, who would hack your website when there are so many bigger and better sites to attack?

Using WordPress as your content management system already puts you one step ahead of the rest of the online world as far as security is concerned. However, that does not make your website immune to hackers.

Today I am going to share with you why securing your WordPress website is so important and how using a security tool called Hide My WP to well…hide WordPress…can be used to help secure your website from unwanted intrusions and hacks.

Minimal Blogging Themes

9 of the Best Minimal Blogging Themes on the Market

It is often said that in matters of design less is more. The same can be said about WordPress blogging themes. Clean, practical, and minimal blogging themes are often the best platforms for those looking to direct their readers’ focus on content and imagery without the showy sidebars, countless widget areas, and crazy design aspects.

If you are on the hunt for the perfect minimal WordPress blogging theme keep reading. Today I bring to you some of the best looking and most functional minimal blogging themes that will suit your desire for a website full of nothing but whitespace and your brilliant ideas.

Zen WP

Stop Wasting Time on Technical Stuff: A Look at the WordPress Maintenance Provider Zen WP

If you are a small business that uses the most popular content management system around, yes I am talking about WordPress, I think it is time you consider enlisting the help of a WordPress maintenance service to help you with the managerial tasks required to keep your website running.

If you are on the fence about whether to use a WordPress maintenance service I am going to help make your decision-making process a little easier by showing you how Zen WP can help you.